If you’re a confident user of the internet you probably know how and where to look for the cheapest deals. When it comes to large businesses looking to find a good office supplies company to work with it can be a very different story.
Unless you’re looking to deal with an office supplies company that deals predominantly online by way of e-commerce then you will want to find a supplier you can speak with face to face on a regular basis. You might even have hundreds of business cards and brochures tucked away in a draw? This might not do you the biggest favour long term and I would suggest doing some research online.
If you’re a person like me that prefers to do research in your own time then no doubt you will not want people to harass you via the telephone. If you type “Office Supplies” in to a search engine you will find about 86,500,000 results, way too many to read unless you’re looking for a new hobby!
Most people will not look past the first couple of pages before picking up the phone and getting a company to come and talk to them. However, have you considered trying another way of researching for a good supplier?
By using different search terms other than the straight forward “Office Supplies” or “Stationers” you can pin point exactly what you’re looking for. If you felt you wanted to find a company that was local and that could offer environmental benefits then you might search differently.
We tried an experiment out for an office supplies company in Brighton and the article hit the first page of Google under the search term “Green Office Supplies Brighton”
As we offer the opportunity for suppliers to submit their office supplies news on our site we hope that our site becomes a good resource for people to know What Stationers they should be using.
If I can help people save I can help suppliers grow. Please share it with your friends and followers by using the social buttons!