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Peter Millikin

Peter has received many accreditation's including many from the Times Online. As founder of You Could Save (2005) and What Stationers (2007) Peter regularly helps consumers and national organisation ‘save money’. He believes that the only successful way to bring people together online is to provide an open marketplace where people can all work together in a friendly, unbiased environment.

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Many workers in the UK are unaware of an important tax rebate they can claim. This is called the Uniform Tax Rebate. Its purpose is to provide tax relief...Continue reading »

Many commercial organisations opt to use the reverse auction process to drive down supply costs. Often the number of suppliers entering this type of process...Continue reading »

If you own a business, you may be concentrated mainly on your customers. In order to make a profit, of course, you have to be able to attract and keep...Continue reading »

There is a fantastic product on the market called the CPR (Call Prevention Registry) call blocker that will help limit those annoying telemarketer and...Continue reading »

If your job roll involves purchasing of office supplies then you need to be forward thinking to exceed the saving goals of the company you work for. By...Continue reading »

A smaller business has different needs than a larger business, but there are very few businesses out there today that can survive without a photocopier. Leasing...Continue reading »

You have successfully written and posted a superb article on “Tips to becoming an office supplies authority” on your website. But how do you...Continue reading »

If you own a business but do not yet operate a corporate blog, the time to make this change is now. Blogging has become an invaluable tool for any business,...Continue reading »