The Dilemma of Using Twitter For Business

Posted on Feb 7 2010 - 9:42pm by Peter Millikin

If you are facing the dilemma of whether to get involved with Twitter it is important you plan what you want to achieve and to build contacts that interest you. (Quality not Quantity) has worked well for me.

I started using Twitter about 9 months ago with my Finance Blog @YouCouldSave. I kept myself low key to try and understand how to make it work best for me and I now have a little knowledge and understanding about the people I connected with and what’s working well.

You might be flattered when someone follows you but many are not interested in you as a person or business and soon it becomes clear from the tweets you read.

Followers on Twitter is about Quality not Quantity

I kept a fairly low tweet rate over the 9 months, in fact 368 tweets. I always tried to keep within my 140 character messages limit to allow people to Re-tweet the message. I wanted 80% of my tweets to be business related in order to introduce people to my blog and I often write about the offerings of my followers. The other 20% of my tweets are non business to allow me to build a more personal relationship with non business followers. I am more than happy with the progress so far and with the results from using Twitter.

Buy a book on how to use Twitter as it can increase your sales

One thing I have noticed about some Twitter users is the high ratio of tweets they make, and sending the same messages over and over. This can be annoying to read day in day out, especially if they don’t bother to interact with you on a more personal level. Block is a good function Twitter offers.

When I first signed up to Twitter I felt like the new boy in a foreign School. I certainly didn’t understand the abbreviations and hash tags or what I was supposed to do. I thought each message was being directed at me! There are now plenty of books available which will guide you how to use Twitter properly.

Some of the people I have connected with I have met in person and been involved in their community projects.

If I can help people save I can help suppliers grow. Please share it with your friends and followers by using the social buttons!

Read about the Author

Peter has received many accreditation's including many from the Times Online. As founder of You Could Save (2005) and What Stationers (2007) Peter regularly helps consumers and national organisation ‘save money’. He believes that the only successful way to bring people together online is to provide an open marketplace where people can all work together in a friendly, unbiased environment.

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